Select a unit online. If you pay online, you will receive the discounted rate at that time. After your payment is accepted, you will get a code that will unlock the unit you choose. Alternatively, you can contact us at 844-662-7867 to make arrangements to reserve your unit.
If payment is not received by the 5th of the month, units will be locked and a $10 late fee added to current balance. Once payment is made in full, the unit will be unlocked, usually within three business days. If paying by auto pay, remember to notify us of any changes to current credit or debit card information.If your unit is located out of the area and you want to move it closer, or you’re simply paying too much for your unit, we can help. Contact us to learn more about our free moving services, and get your first month of rent free, too.Tenants are responsible for obtaining insurance for the contents of their units. We are not responsible for any lost or damaged property.
The preferred method of payment is online. By paying online, you will receive the online discounted rate. You will also be able to set up automatic payments by credit or debit card. Once you select your unit and set up your online payments, you will receive a code to unlock your unit and you are ready to start moving in. If you choose not to pay online to receive the online discount, you can contact us at 844-662-7867 to make arrangements to reserve your unit. Remember to notify us of any changes to current credit or debit card information.
Payments received after the 5th of the month will be assessed a $10 late fee.
The contents of a unit will be auctioned when payments for units become delinquent or contents are abandoned. Tenants are responsible for keeping telephone numbers and addresses current and for updating changes in credit or debit card information.
On the corner of Russia Road and North Street in Russia, just beyond the railroad tracks, behind Cruiser’s bar.
115 Russia Road
Russia, OH 45363
Storage Options
Yes, outside RV and boat storage is available. If interested in outside storage give us a call at 844-662-7867